offshore developers philippines most in-demand programming languages

Offshore Software Developers in the Philippines are In-Demand in These Programming Languages

One of the reasons for outsourcing to the Philippines is having the right talents with the required skill sets. This is important for foreign businesses that engage with business process outsourcing companies in the Philippines where they expect to get quality output from the people they hire in spite of cheaper cost for contracting their projects offshore.

For your software development projects, you can engage through project outsourcing where you outsource the entire project to an IT outsourcing service provider. Offshore staffing in the Philippines is also gaining traction from countries like the US, UK, Australia and Singapore. One of the reasons why companies prefer this outsourcing model is that they retain full control over the operations and the staff while the outsourcing service provider manages the HR and administrative aspects of the office and the employees.

When it comes to IT projects, our software developers in the Philippines have gained a good reputation in the global market. Good command of English language, exceptional work ethics, resourcefulness and excellent project solving skills are just some of the admirable qualities of our Filipino offshore software developers. On top of that, the skills are what make them in-demand to foreign companies.

Since this article is dedicated to the most in-demand skills, let’s head on and discuss the top programming or scripting languages of offshore developers in the Philippines.


PHP is one the most popular scripting languages in the Philippines. In fact, it is widely taught in colleges and universities all over the country as part of the curriculum offered in their information technology courses. This open source server-side scripting language has a huge community of PHP developers in the Philippines in proportion to most websites today that are built in PHP.


Java is one of the oldest programming languages developed by Sun Microsystems and acquired by Oracle Corporation. The years of developing these languages has allowed Java to run on any device or system and it’s widely used all over the world. In the Philippines, there’s a huge market for Java developers in the country as developers are into android development to which Java is the official language.


Though Javascript can be written in other applications, it’s popularity cannot go down as long as applications are built and run through browsers where it is supported 99% on web browsers and mostly for browsers on modern mobile devices.


Developed by Microsoft, it’s one the programming languages that remains popular and a lot of local and foreign companies hire Filipino offshore developers with C# programming skills to develop web applications built on .Net Framework.


This object-oriented programming language is designed as an extension of C. C++ is multi-paradigm and it’s developed to be powerful to be used in enterprise systems. That is why there’s a huge demand for this language mostly in large corporations and IT outsourcing companies with big projects.


Perl has been popular until Python stole that spotlight. Perl’s syntax is complex and it’s tricky to learn compared to Python’s. This doesn’t mean that Perl falls off the list, it is still in-demand in the Philippines as a lot of websites are still built with the LAMP stack which includes the Perl language.


Python is a high-level programming language that gains popularity because of its simple syntax structure, readability and strong support from its large community compared to other programming languages. With the rise of AI, the demand for Python developers has rapidly increased that’s why a lot of Filipino software developers have jumped in to write the language.

it staffing philippines- filipino software developers